Monument Geyser Basin Hike

See pricing
Pricing is as below, depending on the starting location
  • Hike starts at West Yellowstone
    $175.00/person for 8 to 10 persons, $195.00/person for 5 to 7 persons, $220.00/person for 3 to 4 persons and $270.00/person for 2 persons
    $540.00 for single guest
  • Hike starts at Monument Geyser Basin Trailhead
    $175.00/person for 8 to 10 persons, $195.00/person for 5 to 7 persons, $220.00/person for 3 to 4 persons and $270.00/person for 2 persons
    $540.00 for single guest
Monument Geyser Basin is Yellowstone’s most unusual geyser basin. Not only is it located on top of a hill, but the shapes of the geysers are very unusual, and there are also no rangers telling you where you can or can’t go, and no boardwalks or fences.
At about 2.5 miles or four kilometres round trip, the hike is not very long, but it is steep, and may not be for everyone. You will get out of breath on the way up, especially as Yellowstone is located at altitude. The vertical gain is somewhere around 700 feet (213 metres).
The trail initially follows the Gibbon River before cutting inland and uphill. There are some stunning views on the way up, as well as at the top, where you are rewarded with a geyser basin which you may very well have to yourself, if you are lucky.
When you get to the top, you will find you can walk pretty much wherever you want, which is even more reason to exercise caution. The geysers at the top are dormant, but still billow steam, especially in colder temperatures.
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