The Artemisia Trail Hike

See pricing
Pricing is as below, depending on the starting location
  • Hike starts at Old Faithful Inn
    $170.00/person for 8 to 10 persons, $190.00/person for 5 to 7 persons, $215.00/person for 3 to 4 persons and $265.00/person for 2 persons
    $530.00 for single guest
  • Hike starts at West Yellowstone
    $170.00/person for 8 to 10 persons, $190.00/person for 5 to 7 persons, $215.00/person for 3 to 4 persons and $265.00/person for 2 persons
    $530.00 for single guest
The Artemisia Trail is one of these hiking paths that is so often overlooked, but it has a lot to offer. It is not a long trail and so we start the walk at the Old Faithful area. It would be helpful if you have some flexibility in your timing, as we go past three of Yellowstone’s major geysers, and it’s always nice to watch geysers other than Old Faithful erupt.
We go past, or very close to, Castle Geyser, Daisy Geyser and Riverside Geyser, which are amongst only five geysers in the Upper Geyser Basin which have their eruption times predicted, and we try and time the walk so we have the opportunity of watching one of these erupt.
The first part of the walk is along a boardwalk, going by many thermal features, before we reach Morning Glory Pool. After taking a look at one of Yellowstone’s most famous hot springs, we’ll get onto the Artemisia Trail proper.
It’s really amazing how, in just a couple of minutes, you can be away from the crowds of the Upper Geyser Basin, and this is what happens once we venture down the Artemisia trail. The hike is 2.2 miles (3.5 kilometres) long, one way.
The Artemisia trail is also offered on three of our other hikes. The first is a triangular hike which starts at the Grand Loop Road, takes the trail to Daisy Geyser, and then cuts across the Upper Geyser Basin past many thermal features, before picking up the Artemisia trail.
The second is a longer hike which includes the Daisy Geyser Trail, the Artemisia Trail, the Mystic Falls Trail as well as part of the Upper Geyser Basin boardwalk.
The third hike which incorporates the Artemisia trail is an even longer one! This hike does everything the second one, above, does, but also includes the climb up to the Biscuit Basin overlook.
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