Grand Prismatic Spring Overlook Trail

See pricing
Pricing is as below, depending on the starting location
  • Hike starts at West Yellowstone
    $125.00/person for 8 to 10 persons, $135.00/person for 5 to 7 persons, $150.00/person for 3 to 4 persons and $195.00/person for 2 persons
    $390.00 for single guest
  • Hike starts at Fairy Falls Trailhead
    $125.00/person for 8 to 10 persons, $135.00/person for 5 to 7 persons, $150.00/person for 3 to 4 persons and $195.00/person for 2 persons
    $390.00 for single guest
Grand Prismatic Spring is one of Yellowstone’s iconic sights with an amazing rainbow of colors radiating from the center of the pool to the edges.
This hike takes you over the Firehole River, along a trail through the Midway Geyser Basin, passing a few small thermal features along the way. The trail is a little less than a mile (1.6 kilometres) each way, and is pretty flat, until you start the short climb up the hill.
As well as being across the Firehole River, you’re also on the far side of the boardwalk system part of the Midway Geyser Basin, which runs around Excelsior Geyser and Grand Prismatic Spring.
After walking along the flat part of the trail, we’ll turn off on a side path, up a small hill, to a great overlook of Grand Prismatic Spring, where you can relax and enjoy the views.
Please check out another one of our hikes which goes to the Grand Prismatic Spring overlook, except this one also visits Fairy Falls.
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