Fairy Falls Hike

See pricing
Pricing is as below, depending on the starting location
  • Hike starts at West Yellowstone
    $170.00/person for 8 to 10 persons, $190.00/person for 5 to 7 persons, $215.00/person for 3 to 4 persons and $265.00/person for 2 persons
    $530.00 for single guest
  • Hike starts at Fairy Falls Trailhead
    $170.00/person for 8 to 10 persons, $190.00/person for 5 to 7 persons, $215.00/person for 3 to 4 persons and $265.00/person for 2 persons
    $530.00 for single guest
The Fairy Falls trail is probably Yellowstone’s most popular hike. Located on Yellowstone’s lower loop, the trailhead is right on the Grand Loop Road.
We’ll cross the Firehole River, and then make our way through the Midway Geyser Basin, passing by the far side of Grand Prismatic Spring, the side which most visitors to Yellowstone do not get to see.
There is a turn off from the main trail to a secondary path, which will take us to Fairy Falls, through a forest of young lodgepole pine trees. This part of Yellowstone was badly burned during the great fire of 1988. Fairy Falls is 200 feet (61 metres high), and the trail there is 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometres) one way. The path is pretty flat all the way.
We also offer two other hikes where you can see Fairy Falls. The first of these continues on to Imperial Geyser , which has a beautiful pool around it, as well as very colorful bacteria mats. The other hike which goes to Fairy Falls, also includes a trail to an overlook of Grand Prismatic Spring.
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