Book Online



Hike start location

The hike has multiple start location, select one.

Is this the only date you are available?

You can provide multiple dates, separated by coma (,)
Fill if applicable
Fill if applicable - Click if same as pickup location!
Please note that there is a four person minimum, or you can pay for four people.

Number of guests per room

Rooms with more than one bed are subject to availability.
Please be sure the total guests for all rooms is the same as the number of guests for the tour.

Lodging Extension

You have the option of extending your stay at certain locations during the tour.

{{ tour_booking_form.field_label_names.tour_options_title }}

Guest information

Weights are only needed if you have ordered an airplane or helicopter tour. Guests birth date and gender are required for security reasons by the Transportation Security Administration.
Guest # {{index+1}}

Based on the options chosen so far, your total cost for this tour will be:

{{ (tour_details.tour_data.fuelsurcharge > 0) ? 'The total cost includes a fuel surcharge of '+tour_details.tour_data.fuelsurcharge+'% or $'+tour_fuel_surcharge_per_guest+' per person' : 'Any applicable surcharge has been included' }}.
This tour has been discounted!

Shopping Cart

Date: {{item.tour_data.tour_date_english}}
Alternate dates: {{item.tour_data.alternate_tour_dates}}
Guests: {{item.tour_data.total_guests}}
Base price: ${{ parseFloat(item.base_amount).toFixed(2)}}
Fuel surcharge: {{ item.fuelsurcharge_percent }}% or ${{ parseFloat(item.fuelsurcharge).toFixed(2)}}/person
Pick Up: {{item.tour_data.pickup_location}}
Drop Off: {{item.tour_data.drop_off_location}}
Preferred time of day: {{item.tour_data.preferred_time}}
Extended stay at {{}}
+ ${{lodge.amount}} x {{lodge.user_nights}} {{(parseInt(lodge.user_nights) > 1) ? 'nights' : 'night' }} = ${{ (parseFloat(lodge.amount) * parseInt(lodge.user_nights)) }}
+ ${{option.price}} x {{option.user_guests}} {{ (option.user_guests > 1) ? 'guest' : 'guests' }} = ${{( parseInt(option.user_guests) * parseFloat(option.price) ).toFixed(2) }}
+ ${{option.price}} for {{option.user_guests}} {{ (option.user_guests > 1) ? 'guest' : 'guests' }} = ${{ parseFloat(option.price).toFixed(2) }}
Total: ${{ (parseFloat(cart_total_amount)).toFixed(2) }}

Continue Shopping

Submit payment below to order listed reservations.

Contact / Payment Information

Expiration date

Please provide the zip or postal code associated with your credit card.

If the card holder will not be there, provide the name of one of the guests.

There are currently no reservations in your shopping cart.

Continue Shopping

Tours you may be interested in

${{ (( parseFloat( /100) * parseFloat(tour.perguest)).toFixed(2) }}

Thank you for ordering

Order ID: {{new_order_id}}

Options/add on
Date: {{item.tour_data.tour_date_english}}
Alternate dates: {{item.tour_data.alternate_tour_dates}}
Guests: {{item.tour_data.total_guests}}
Base price: ${{ parseFloat(item.base_amount).toFixed(2)}}
Fuel surcharge: {{ item.fuelsurcharge_percent }}% or ${{ parseFloat(item.fuelsurcharge).toFixed(2)}}/person
Pick Up: {{item.tour_data.pickup_location}}
Drop Off: {{item.tour_data.drop_off_location}}
Preferred time of day: {{item.tour_data.preferred_time}}
Extended stay at {{}}
+ ${{lodge.amount}} x {{lodge.user_nights}} {{(parseInt(lodge.user_nights) > 1) ? 'nights' : 'night' }} = ${{ (parseFloat(lodge.amount) * parseInt(lodge.user_nights)) }}
+ ${{option.price}} x {{option.user_guests}} {{ (option.user_guests > 1) ? 'guest' : 'guests' }} = ${{( parseInt(option.user_guests) * parseFloat(option.price) ).toFixed(2) }}
+ ${{option.price}} for {{option.user_guests}} {{ (option.user_guests > 1) ? 'guest' : 'guests' }} = ${{ parseFloat(option.price).toFixed(2) }}
${{ parseFloat(item.amount).toFixed(2) }}
Total: ${{ (parseFloat(cart_total_amount)).toFixed(2) }}
Shorter Yellowstone Walks and Hikes will not be bound by any prices that are generated maliciously or in error, and that are not its regular prices as detailed on its web sites